How to collect more email subscribers


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

Have you ever created a lead magnet that brought in some email subscribers, but then… nothing?

No sales, no engagement, just a list of people who took the freebie and vanished.

This is one of the most common frustrations I hear from people when they create lead magnets. They either don’t attract enough subscribers, or worse, those subscribers never convert into paying customers.

But here's the thing…

It doesn’t have to be that way.

In fact, for the lead magnets we create with our clients, not only do they convert traffic into subscribers at a rate of 20-50%, but at least 2% of those subscribers turn into paying customers through our email sequences.


Well, it’s not by luck.

Just last week, I was on a call with a coaching client where we strategically mapped out 7 different lead magnets for three distinct groups within their target audience.

And the reason these lead magnets would work so well?

We’re laser-focused on attracting the right people AND repelling everyone else.

Let me show you how to do the same.

Step 1: Divide your audience into specific groups

If you try to speak to everyone, you’ll end up converting no one.

You need to segment your audience into at least three different groups based on where they are in their journey.

For example, for my business coaching client, we divided their audience like this:

  • Group 1: Just starting their business.
  • Group 2: Have seen some results but struggle with consistency.
  • Group 3: Consistently hitting their goals but feel stuck at their current level.

Each of these groups has different needs, so the way you communicate with them and the type of lead magnet you offer should be different.

Step 2: Identify specific pain points for each group

Once you’ve segmented your audience, it’s time to get clear on their pain points.

Find out:

  • What’s frustrating them right now?
  • What’s holding them back from moving forward?

For each group, the pain points will differ.

By getting crystal clear on these specific challenges, you’ll be able to create lead magnets that speak directly to each group.

Step 3: Create a lead magnet that solves a specific problem for each group

Now that you know who you’re targeting and their specific pain points, it’s time to create lead magnets that solve those problems.

For instance, if your offer is a course on how to scale a business, your lead magnets should be geared toward solving smaller problems that naturally lead to your course as the next logical step.

Let me break it down with an example from my own business.

If I were targeting three groups of business owners, I might divide them like this:

  • Group 1: Those just starting with email marketing and struggling to build a list.
  • Group 2: Those with growing subscribers but who aren’t converting those subscribers into sales.
  • Group 3: Those who are making sales but want to automate and scale their email efforts.

If I had a course on “Email Marketing 101: How to growing an email list & making sales from it”… I would create a lead magnet like “How to get your first 100 subscribers in two weeks or less” for Group 1.

This lead magnet addresses their specific problem (getting their first 100 subscribers), and once they ACHIEVE that, I’d gain some trust.

Then I can seamlessly introduce my course to help them further by proving my competence, building relatability and shifting their beliefs through an email sequence.

Step 4: Build a nurturing email sequence to convert

Creating the lead magnet is just the first step. The real magic happens in the follow-up.

Once your lead magnet solves a specific pain point for your audience, you can start nurturing them with an email sequence that:

  1. Builds trust by proving your expertise.
  2. Shifts their beliefs about what’s possible for them.
  3. Guides them toward your offer as the natural next step.

We do this through a 2-part sequence.

One is a relationship-building sequence and the other is an evergreen promo sequence.

(But you can find a simplified version of those sequences in this edition)

This is why the lead magnets we create don’t just sit there collecting dust.

They actively bring in qualified subscribers, and through strategic nurturing, we convert them into paying customers at a minimum rate of 2% (right from the start).

If you’re tired of creating lead magnets that don’t convert, it’s time to shift your approach.

Stop trying to appeal to everyone. Instead, get laser-focused on who you want to attract, identify their specific pain points, and create lead magnets that actually solve those problems.

Then, follow up with a nurturing email sequence that builds trust, shifts beliefs, and converts those subscribers into customers.

It’s not rocket science, but it does take strategy.

And that’s exactly what I help my clients with.

Now, if you want to get your lead magnets converting like clockwork, you know where to find me.

Need help to generate a consistent & sustainable revenue through email?

Here are two ways I can help you:


1) Email Marketing Done-for-you: You hire me to do it all for you (Helped 30+ clients with a direct impact of ~$3.5M+).


2) The Email Advantage 1:1 Coaching Programme: We'll be working 1:1 together for 16 weeks so you can have all the knowledge + skills to confidently manage your email strategy by yourself (and make $$ from it).


​Just ask for a free consultation here (And let's have a chat)

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers