~$57K Payday


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

Just like my client, you could be sleeping on a goldmine without realising it.

Think of this:

  • A dormant email list of ~16K subscribers
  • Emails going out once in a blue moon (monthly, without a strategy)
  • Occasional sales at best

They wanted me to start from scratch because they had changed things in their business which the subscribers weren’t made aware of.

But 16K is a hugee number.

So my recommendation was to run a list revival strategy while we also focus on their new email strategy.

The client agreed because they weren’t going to lose anything anyway. So it was worth a shot.

And guess what?

We managed to turn that situation into a ~$57K payday.

In just. Three. Months.

(Well, not ‘just’… but still)

Now, I know what you're thinking…

"Sure, Rahul. Sounds great. But how?"

Let's break it down, step by step (on a week-on-week basis):

Week 1-3:
Re-engagement (Bringing the list back to life)

First things first, we needed to know who still wanted to be with us. So we hit 'em with a 4-part re-engagement sequence.

Here's what we did:

1) Email 1, "Things are changing": We reminded them who we were, why they signed up, how things are going to be from now on, and asked if they still wanted to hear from us.

2) Email 2, "Here's what you've been missing": We shared some of our best content from the past few months. Value, value, value.

3) Email 3, "What do you want?": We asked them directly what exactly are they struggling with right now through a 3 question mini-survey. Creating that feedback loop is crucial.

4) Email 4, "Last chance": We let them know that if we didn't hear back, we'd have to say goodbye. (Sometimes a little FOMO works wonders)

The result?

6,346 subscribers stuck around.

The rest?

Well, they weren't our people anymore. And that's okay.

Always remember: a smaller, engaged list beats a massive, dead one any day of the week.

Week 4-10:
Nurture and build trust

Once the re-engagement was successful, the next phase was all about nurturing the list. This is where the real relationship-building began.

Over the course of 7 weeks, we sent 7 emails, and each had a distinct purpose.

Here’s the breakdown:

3 Belief-Shifting Emails:

Most subscribers have internal blockers or limiting beliefs that prevent them from taking action.

So, we created emails that challenged their thinking.

For example, one email tackled the idea that “you have to be an expert to succeed.” We told stories of real people who achieved great results without having it all figured out from the start.

This not only resonated with the audience but positioned the client as someone who understands their struggles.

Key tip here? Show empathy, then reframe their mindset. This is how you help people overcome objections before they even hit the buy button.

2 Personal Experience Narratives:

We shared client’s personal stories about their journey, the challenges they faced, and the lessons they learned through narratives that allowed the audience to see themselves in the same place.

In one email, we shared how the client turned their business around during a tough time by adopting a specific strategy.

We made sure the story felt relatable so the audience could see themselves in it.

It wasn’t about being “the hero”, it was about showing them that transformation is possible, even when you feel stuck. Making sure they see themselves as “the hero”.

2 Educational Case Studies:

Lastly, we provided concrete, actionable value through client case studies.

We showcased real-world results from other clients who had used the same strategies the audience could access.

Each case study was broken down step-by-step, making it easy for readers to see how these lessons could apply to their own businesses.

And by this point, we had built enough trust, and the audience was primed for the offer.

Week 11-12:
Time to Sell

After 10 weeks of value and relationship-building, it was finally time to make the offer.

We launched an 8-part sales sequence promoting an existing product priced at $499.

Here’s how we structured the sales sequence:

  • Email 1: The problem & solution intro
  • Email 2: The IERD offer reveal
  • Email 3: FAQs & objection handling
  • Email 4: Case study & social proof
  • Email 5: The "why now" urgency play
  • Email 6: What you're really buying (benefits, not features)
  • Email 7: Last chance & FOMO
  • Email 8: Final countdown & scarcity

The result?

116 people bought.

That's a 1.82% conversion rate.

Now, could it have been better? Sure. There's always room for improvement.

But let me tell you what…

The client was over the moon (especially given the state of the list just three months ago). And that's what counts.

Behind the Scenes:
The extra steps that made a difference

While the email strategy was the main driver, we did a few additional things that helped:

  • Spoke to previous buyers to understand their experiences and what they found most valuable. We then used these insights to refine the messaging.
  • Split-tested different angles throughout the sales sequence. For example, we tested variations in subject lines, CTAs and email length to see what resonated best with the audience.

Sometimes, the untapped revenue you’re searching for is sitting right in front of you.

The key isn’t always in chasing new leads but in reviving and nurturing the ones you already have.

Here are three key takeaways:

a) Set clear expectations & create feedback loops

Don't just talk at your list. Engage them. Ask questions. Get them involved.

b) Reconnect with your audience (and I mean really connecting)

Share stories. Be vulnerable. Show the human behind the emails.

c) Give 'em what they need (that actually helps them)

It's not about what you want to sell. It's about what they need to buy.

And before you go pouring money into new growth, think about this:

Is there hidden potential in your existing list?

Can you nurture those subscribers and turn them into paying customers?

Need help to generate a consistent & sustainable revenue through email?

Here are two ways I can help you:

1) Email Marketing Done-for-you: You hire me to do it all for you (Helped 30+ clients with a direct impact of ~$3.5M+).

2) The Email Advantage 1:1 Coaching Programme: We'll be working 1:1 together for 16 weeks so you can have all the knowledge + skills to confidently manage your email strategy by yourself (and make $$ from it).

Ask for a free consultation here → (and let's have a chat)

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers