They love you, but they don’t buy


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

One of my recent clients had a struggle that most would be jealous of.

(Or at first glance, at least)

His list was solid. Almost 4K.
His open rates? Nearly 45%.
Replies? Coming in quite regularly.

On the surface, everything looked great. The kind of numbers most creators would kill for.

But there was a catch.

Those great open rates and responses weren’t showing up in his sales reports. In fact, revenue from email was barely visible.

And if you’re doing every damn thing but not making cash?

Then good luck with your expensive hobby.

The thing is… this is more common than you think, and today I want to walk you through why this happens.

And, more importantly, how to fix it.

Why your emails aren’t converting (Despite the engagement)

You’re putting in the effort. You’re writing valuable, engaging content, and your readers love it. So, what’s wrong?

Why aren’t they buying?

Here’s what I uncovered with my client, and it’s likely where you might be going wrong too:

1) No clear pathway from engagement to action

Your subscribers might love your emails, but if you’re not guiding them toward a specific action, they’ll stay in “engagement mode” instead of taking out their wallets.

Are you making it super clear what they should do next?

Do your CTAs inspire immediate action, or do they feel like optional suggestions?

2) Engagement ≠ Intent

High open rates are great, but they can also be deceiving.

My client’s emails were getting a ton of engagement, but his list wasn’t filled with buyers… it was filled with learners. People who loved the content but weren’t ready (or able) to invest in a solution. They were there for the insights, not for the sale.

Engagement can make you feel like you’re hitting the mark, but if you’re attracting the wrong audience (people who are only looking for free advice), you’re not going to see conversions.

Your email strategy needs to shift from attracting eyeballs to attracting buyers.

3) Misalignment between email content and offers

You might be sending valuable content, but if it doesn’t align with what you’re selling, your subscribers won’t connect the dots.

This was exactly what happened with my client… they were sending highly engaging educational emails, but there was a disconnect between the content and the offer.

Their audience was consuming the content but…

  • They weren’t seeing how the offer fit into their needs.
  • They didn’t feel the urgency or emotional need to buy. The emails didn’t position the offer as the solution to their deeper frustrations, fears, or desires.

The result? Readers were engaged, but they weren’t compelled.

Without an emotional hook, it’s hard to move someone from passive reader to paying customer.

4) Not addressing buyer objections head-on

Your readers have pain points, doubts, and objections that are keeping them from buying.

If you’re not addressing these directly, you’re leaving money on the table.

My client was delivering great value, but they weren’t challenging the limiting beliefs or the hesitations their audience had about making a purchase.

The fix: Shifting from engagement to conversion

After digging into the problem, we developed a tailored strategy to fix these gaps.

Here’s how we’re turning those open rates into sales (and how you can too):

1) Clarified the buying journey

We made sure each email had a clear goal.

Whether it was warming up the audience, overcoming objections, or presenting a time-sensitive offer. Every email now drives the reader one step closer to making a purchase.

2) Refocusing his audience

We also adjusted the way he attracts and filters subscribers.

Instead of going broad and pulling in anyone with a passing interest, we’re working on attracting people who are ready to act.

His lead magnets, pre sign-up messaging, CTAs, and email content are now laser-focused on those who are more likely to convert.

We’re doing this by tightening his messaging around pain points and buying triggers… things that resonate with serious buyers, not casual learners. It’s about attracting people who are not just curious but who need the solution he offers.

3) Aligned the content with the offer

We created a cohesive narrative that ties their educational content directly to the solutions they provide.

When the content and offer are in sync, readers don’t have to make a mental leap… they see how the offer is the next logical step.

And that’s why the next point is super important…

4) Reframing the offer to tap into emotion

We overhauled how the offer is positioned.

It’s not just about the features or benefits anymore (though those are still there). It’s about tying his offer directly to the emotional triggers that matter to his audience.

We’re making the offer a no-brainer by showing how it solves their most pressing problems and how their lives will change because of it.

5) Focusing on belief-shifting and storytelling

We’re infusing their emails with stories that challenge their audience’s misconceptions and present the offer as the solution to their struggles.

We’re also integrating more personal storytelling and case studies, so his readers can see themselves in the narrative.

When people feel emotionally connected to the outcome, they’re much more likely to invest.

6) Refined the CTA

Instead of generic “Click here” CTAs, we created calls to action that focus on the outcome the reader wants.

Example: “Ready to make 2 extra sales this week?”

This way it’s no longer about the click… it’s about the value behind the action.

The bottom line? Engagement is only step two

(Step one is ‘attraction’)

Email marketing is more than just getting people to open and reply. It’s about guiding them through a journey that ends in a sale.

If your emails are engaging but not converting, it’s time to ask yourself:

  • Are you clearly and confidently driving people to your offers?
  • Are you attracting the right people… ones who are ready to invest?
  • Is your email content aligned with your offers?
  • Are you addressing buyer objections clearly?
  • Is your offer solving a deep, emotional problem that your audience feels?

If any of this sounds like what you’re dealing with, don’t worry… it’s fixable.

Need help turning your engagement into revenue? I’m already helping clients like you make that shift. Ask for a free consultation call here if you want to chat about how we can do the same for your email strategy.

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers