I know it’s frustrating


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

I get it. You’re passionate about what you do.

You care deeply about the change you bring, the value you offer, and the impact you make.

But then, you see someone with mediocre content, mediocre offers, and let’s be honest… no real passion for what they’re selling… yet they’re crushing it.


Because they’re good at marketing.

Just this weekend, I had a friendly chat with someone who has ~85,000 followers on social media.

They’ve built a solid audience.
They believe in their offer.
They’re genuinely passionate.

Yet, they’re struggling to make as many sales as they’d like to. And it’s not because their offer is bad.

It’s because they’re stuck in the same trap that I once found myself in:

Watching people with subpar offers succeed, simply because they’re better marketers.

In my early days, I would watch people sell mediocre email templates, give generic advice, and still manage to make it work.

(We all know many people who still do that)

It was frustrating, to say the least.

I knew my stuff was better. I knew I had more to offer. But I wasn’t selling like they were.

And it messed with my confidence, big time.

And if you’ve been feeling this way…

I know exactly what it's like to pour your heart into something, only to see someone else (who barely tries) walk away with the wins.

But here’s the thing:

It’s not about lowering your standards to compete with them. It’s about shifting your mindset and doubling down on what makes YOU stand out.

So, how do you do that? How do you compete with these “good marketers” without compromising your values or the quality of what you offer?

Here are 3 mindset shifts that helped me turn things around (and I hope they do the same for you):

Stop comparing their highlights to your work behind the scenes

It’s easy to look at someone else’s success and assume they have it all figured out.

(It’s okay if you feel the same way about me as well, I get it)

But what you’re seeing is their highlight reel.

You’re not seeing the struggles, the failed launches, the bad reviews they don’t talk about.

So what can you do?

Focus on YOUR progress.

Celebrate your own wins (even the small ones). Every sale, every client you help, every person who finds value in your content is a step forward.


Shift your focus to what YOU control:

Your growth, your craft, and your connection with your audience.

Because while the mediocre marketers may win for now… in the long run, it’s the people who genuinely care that build lasting success.

And now, that’s what I’m working towards.

Good marketing is a skill (and you can learn it)

It’s tempting to think that some people are just “born” marketers. But that’s not true. Marketing is a skill, just like writing, coaching, or creating.

The people you see winning with mediocre offers?

They’ve learned how to sell, how to position their product, how to engage their audience. And guess what?

You can learn that too.

Instead of letting their success demotivate you… use it as proof that with the right strategy, you can sell just as well (if not better) because you actually believe in what you’re offering.

Invest in learning marketing strategies that feel aligned with your values.

You don’t need to be pushy or sleazy to succeed.

Authentic marketing works, and when you combine that with the passion and value you bring, it’s a game-changer.

That’s what I stand for. And that’s probably why you’re here. (So, thank you 💛)

Remember: It’s a long game

Building a business, making an impact, and creating meaningful success takes time.

The mediocre marketers?

They might win a few short-term games, but longevity is built on trust, integrity, and quality.

Your audience will remember:

  • How you made them feel
  • The value you consistently provided
  • And the genuine care you put into your offers

It’s not about the fast win. It’s about building a brand that lasts. A brand that allows you sell again and again (and again).

If you stay committed to the long game, you’ll not only sell more, but you’ll also create a community of raving fans who believe in you and what you stand for.

That’s what turns businesses into legacies.

So, next time you feel that pain of frustration watching someone sell better than you, remember this:

You’re playing a different game.

You’re in it for the long haul, not the quick win.

And if you keep showing up with the same passion, dedication, and value, it will pay off.

Marketing can be learned.

Your passion, your integrity, your ability to make a real difference?

That can’t be copied.

Don’t let the success of others define how you feel about your own journey.

You’re exactly where you need to be, and with the right strategy, your passion and your offers WILL shine.

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers