Filled wallet, empty calendar


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

What’s your time worth to you?

For my clients, their time is quite precious.

As much as they hire me to grow their bank account, they also do it to save their time. Time that they use to either focus on the business activities they enjoy or doing the things that they love.

But there’s one thing that helps them with both of those things – filling their wallets and emptying their calendars.

Evergreen email sequences.

These automated sequences make my clients anywhere between $5K-30K/month and save them 12-25 hours each month.

And it’s only going to increase as you optimise them further, stack more offers, and drive more fresh traffic to the list.

So, if your business doesn’t have at least one automated evergreen sequence that nurtures and convert your new email subscribers, you’re missing out on a lot.


Don’t worry though. I got you.

I’m sharing a sequence with prompts and frameworks that you can use to create your first money-making evergreen email sequence in no time.

✌️ A word of transparency before we proceed:

When clients hire me to create their email sequences, what I create for them is far more complex and personalised based on their business, offers, and audience. Therefore, they also convert at a higher rate. There’s no way I can teach that or cover that in an email newsletter. I would if I could.

So, if you can afford to get 1:1 help, I'd always recommend that. (I promise it’d bring you a better ROI than just doing it yourself)

If not, what I’m sharing in the newsletter is a simplified (but tested & proven) version of it that you can create and set up all by yourself. And if done right, it will bring you results.

Now, you must be wondering…

“What if it doesn’t work for me?”

Yes, this sequence will not work, if:

  • You haven’t done your audience research properly and you’re just guessing your way out of it
  • Your offer hasn’t been sold before and you have zero social proof
  • You don’t have at least basic copywriting skills

But if above points don’t apply to you, you can make quite some bank. So here’s the sequence for you:

Email #1 ​
– The welcome email (Immediately)

  • Opener: Hook them with a story about how you started doing what you’re doing; show that you’ve been in their shoes (Build relatability)
  • A little bit about yourself presented in a way that the readers can see themselves in you (Build relatability)
  • Your image
  • Boast a little about your achievements. Why are you a person worthy of their time & attention? (Build credibility + Prove competence)
  • What they can expect from being on your email list and listening from you (Set clear expectations)
  • Ask for a reply

Email #2 ​
– Belief-shifting (After 1 day)

  • What’s something that your readers believe about achieving their desired outcome that’s completely wrong?
  • How is that belief stopping them from achieving what they wanna achieve?
  • How do you do things differently with a different belief?

The best way to create this email is through narrative-building. A version of:

A person X was struggling to get results with Y. It was because they were made to believe in Z by [the enemy, folks you stand against]. This was really hindering their progress and [the emotions they were facing]. But after going through [offer], person X realised how that belief was stopping them and how it’s not their fault. This is how [offer] takes a different approach and that’s why it was able to help person X. If you’re also like X, don’t make the mistake of believing in Z.

Note: No direct selling in the email, just a mention of the offer. The goal is bring people into your way of doing things.

Email #3 ​
– BAB (After 2 days)


  • What is the reader's world like with the problem?
  • Highlight the dissatisfaction or challenge they are currently facing.
  • Show that you have been in their shoes (or one of your clients has been), facing the similar problem


  • What does the reader's world look like once their problem is solved?
  • Paint a picture of the success or relief you (your client) felt when you solved that problem


  • How can the reader get from 'Before' to 'After'?
  • Share some valuable tips + Present your solution as the path that connects their current situation to the desired outcome.
  • Ask for a reply for more details regarding the offer or send them to the sales page with a CTA

Email #4 ​
– VBBC Email (After 2 days)

→ Vision: What aspirational vision will resonate with the reader? Future pace and talk about their desired outcomes and the outcome of the outcome (how their life looks after achieving what they want to achieve)

→ Barriers: What barriers are stopping the reader from achieving this vision?

→ Breakthrough: How does your offer act as a breakthrough for these barriers? Use a short case study and talk about HOW the offer helped your client get past those barriers and achieve that vision.

→ Call: Do a soft-sell by asking for a reply for more details regarding the offer or send them to the sales page with a CTA

Email #5 ​
– DITC Email (After 2 days)

→ Discomfort: What discomfort or dissatisfaction (from either trying to solve their problem by themselves or trying some other solution in the market) can you highlight that the reader is experiencing?

→ Insight: What insights can you offer that reframe the discomfort in a way that shows them it’s not their fault? (Create an enemy)

→ Transformation: How does your offer transform the reader's situation for the better? (Better if you can explain this with a short case study)

→ Commitment: What commitment can you ask from the reader to take the next step towards a similar transformation?

There you go!

This sequence gives you a starting point. You don’t have to think “oh, where do I start?”.

The prompts are there. Just write and expand. Use your voice and target customer data.

Then test and optimise.

And if you need 1:1 help specifically for your business?

Book a free consultation from below!

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers