Could you convert 49 leads?


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

Could you convert 49 leads from your email list?

Imagine you have 132,000 email subscribers…

(Close to the crowd you can fit in the largest cricket stadium in the world!)

Could you convert 49 leads?

You’d think that’s a no-brainer.

But let me tell you, even with tens of thousands of subscribers, you can end up with zero sales.


Because if you’re not strategic about how you build your email list, who you build your list with, AND what you’re sending them… you can’t convert ANYTHING.

Harsh, but true. Each of those three things matter.

Here’s how you can align those 3 elements so you can build an email strategy that converts (and doesn’t just collect subscribers like dust):

Who ​
– The people you're attracting

If you try to appeal to everyone, you’ll attract folks who’ll never spend a dime on what you have to offer.

To avoid this,

  1. Be crystal clear on who your target customer really is and what’s their buying journey
  2. Speak to your ideal customer in the pre-signup stage


Create content that speaks directly to THEM. (Their problems, frustrations, desires, beliefs, etc.)

Use their language, not industry jargon.

Your content should alone be enough to filter your ideal customers from wrong-fit prospects.

How ​
– The way you're attracting them

If you’re using generic PDFs and eBooks as lead magnets, you’re going to attract freebie hoarders.

Not people who’d open their wallets when you have something of value to offer.

To prevent that from happening, you need to do two things:

1) Be strategic with your lead magnets: Only create lead magnets that target one step of your target customer’s buying journey. Once they are on your list, then you can focus on moving them forward in the journey.

2) Choose high-quality and intent based mediums: Workshops, webinars, quizzes.. something that speaks “you’ll only find it here”.

This will help you stand out in the noise and attract the right folks on your list.

What ​
– The emails you're sending

Once you’ve nailed the top two, it comes down to what you’re sending to those people.

I’ve said this again and again that your emails need to focus on these two things:

A) Prove your worth B) Shift their beliefs

But you need to do this while also keeping these 7 elements in mind:

→ The Subject Line

I’ve said this in the last email that I prefer inbox recognition over subject lines.

But while you build your inbox recognition, it’s important that your subject lines get people to open your emails.

Everyone remembers a good subject line.

Just follow two simple rules:

  • Don’t use clickbait
  • Build intrigue and satisfy it in the email


Example: “How I doubled my replies using this ONE email trick.”

This line creates curiosity and promises value.

→ Personalisation

What makes your emails feel personal?

I believe every customer deserves to feel like your email was written just for them.

Mention their past behaviour, reference something they care about, and collect + use voice-of-customer data to make them feel like you’re familiar with their world.

→ Narrative building

What’s the narrative that hooks your reader?

People connect with stories, not sales pitches.

I once had a client who was ready to give up on email marketing. His open rates were the lowest, and conversions were non-existent. We restructured his email strategy based on two types of narratives. His story – why he started his business, the challenges he faced, and how he overcame them. And the customer journey stories. The results? A ~60% increase in open rates and a ~40% jump in conversions.

Whatever information you wanna give, if you share it through a narrative… it will always have a higher impact.

Stories sell. Period.

→ Call to Action (CTA)

What do you want the reader to do next?

Your CTA needs to be clear, compelling, and, most importantly, easy to follow.

Even better if you can turn your CTA into CTV i.e. Call to value.

Example: Start making 2 extra sales per week

A strong CTA turns interest into action. Without it, your emails are just noise in the inbox.

It’s not the information that sells, it’s the action that makes you cash.

→ Visual Elements

How do your emails look?

People often underestimate the power of design in email marketing.

A clean, professional design reinforces your brand and makes your content more digestible.

Use clear headers, bullet points, and images that support your message. Avoid clutter.

I prefer a simple text format for all my clients – simple, elegant, and effective. But there’s always something that separates one design from the other and reflects their brand.

→ Timing

When should you send your emails?

Timing is crucial.

You need to understand when your audience is most likely to open your emails.

Example: For B2B, mornings during the workweek often perform best. For B2C, evenings and weekends might be better.

This is also something you’d have to test for your particular audience.

→ Segmentation

Who exactly are you emailing?

Not all subscribers are the same. Segment your list based on behavior, demographics, or purchase history.

Example: A segment for loyal customers might receive a VIP discount, while a segment for new leads gets an introductory offer.

Segmentation helps ensure that the right message reaches the right people.

I have seen click-through rates double when we implemented 3 different segments for a client instead of having a general list.

Can you see how all three of them need to be in order?

Then you’re not too far from building an email list that doesn’t just open your emails but acts on them.

Remember, just sending emails won’t cut it.

You need to be intentional, strategic, and always focused on your end goal.

Getting the sale.


P.S. Missed the last edition because I was too busy having a good time on my holiday with beaches, booze, and a fab company (More stories about that in the coming emails). As I have already said before, I don't like scheduling my personal email newsletters... I send and reply in real time. So, here we aree! 🤘

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers