Sattu, the vegetable seller


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

In my hometown, a small village just a few hundred kilometres away from the India-Nepal border, we have a flee market.

That market is only organised twice a week, Sundays and Thursday.

As a kid, I used to visit that market with my grandfather. It takes place in the exact same spot even today.

In that market, there’s a vegetable seller named Sattu. People often call him Satua.

As far as I can remember, Sattu has been selling vegetables there for at least last 25 years or so. And quite happily so.

Now he must be in his late 50s.

If you ask me… he must be the most loved vegetable seller ever for two reasons:

  1. He knew everybody by name and he remembered every tiny detail about them, what their children and grandchildren did, what’s going on their lives, everything!
  2. He shared his stories related to the harvest. How he encountered a huge snake. How someone stole his two sacks of peas and whatnot. (Children loved these)

In fact, when my grandfather grew older and stopped visiting the market, Sattu would occasionally visit our house to ask about his health and also bring bitter-gourd (my father’s favourite).

He genuinely cares about the people in his tribe.

He knows he’s a part of a community and everybody’s in it together.

I think that’s what most people lack in their business approach today.

And especially in their email strategy.

Everybody’s so focused on chasing the numbers, that they forget about the ‘people’ who are part of that number.

My goal is to change that for as many people in business as possible. Including YOU.

Don’t just send emails for the sake of it.

You need to create a community, a tribe, that eagerly anticipates your emails and feels a part of something bigger.

Here’s how I help my clients to do it with purpose (and you can too):

1) Creation story

What made you start your business?

Your audience needs to know why you’re emailing them in the first place.

For example, I share my story in quite a detail in my welcome email:

Your creation story connects you to your subscribers on a deeper level, making them more likely to stick around and engage.

2) The 'Face'

Who’s the face behind the emails?

People connect with people, not faceless brands. Your subscribers need to know who’s behind the keyboard.

In my case, I am my face (That sounds weird, but yes!). I share my journey, my learnings, my processes, and my failures. This transparency builds trust and makes the relationship feel personal, not transactional.

Make no mistake though, I’m still here for the money (and so are you). It’s just that we put ‘human’ before the sale.

If your brand has multiple faces, make sure their story is clear and aligned with your brand’s mission.

Even better if you use just one leading face.

3) Core Beliefs

What does your brand stand for?

Make sure your emails consistently reflect your values.

For instance, I believe every creator, no matter the size of their list, deserves to make money without spamming their audience.

I believe that the ‘bro/babe marketing’ culture needs to be eradicated. You know where you’re lured based on shiny promises and dreams, but there’s nothing much to show for it?

I also believe that email is not the answer to your core business problems.

I try to weave these beliefs into every email I send.

And I help my clients do the same with their own beliefs and values.

When your audience knows what you stand for, they’re more likely to align with your message and act on it.

4) ‘Connection’ Words or Phrases

What unique language do you use with your audience?

Think of these as the inside jokes or specific phrases that resonate with your tribe.

For example, for one my clients, we often use a blurb called “Nerdy Nathan’s Nudge” which just explains a topic in a a detailed and funny way inside that blurb.

Yuval, a good friend of mine uses “Pasta” as a theme and she does it ridiculously well.

‘Connection’ words create a sense of belonging.

5) The 'Enemies'

Who or what are you positioning your brand against?

Every tribe needs something to rally against.

Having a common enemy has been a hugee driver for a lot of movements, communities, and revolutions.

For example, I’m whole-heartedly against the ‘bro/babe marketing’ culture and I’m against the idea that mass email blasts with no personalisation can be effective. You know that I advocate for targeted, thoughtful, intentional emails that prioritise value over volume.

By defining what you stand against, you strengthen what you stand for, making your tribe more united and engaged.

So, as you build your email strategy, remember to incorporate these elements into each email.

Not every element will go into every email… but you know what I mean.

Don’t just aim to send emails, aim to create a tribe.

A tribe that doesn’t just open your emails but acts on them, spreads the word, and grows with you.

That’s the power of a well-crafted email strategy.

That’s the power of being like Sattu.

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers