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The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

Free t-shirts at a concert... yay or nay?

Yes, it might get you excited. But they're not exactly building long-term fans, right?

Most freebies or lead magnets are even worse.

They get a bad rep. And for a good reason. Most of them are spammy, useless, and a waste of time.

(At least, a free t-shirt can be useful)

But here's the thing: they're only bad when they're done wrong.

Lead magnets aren't the problem - bad lead magnets are. When done right, they're an incredibly powerful tool for attracting quality subscribers who are truly interested in what you have to offer.

(There’s a reason why we have been able to drive 100K+ quality subscribers with lead magnets)

A good lead magnet isn't some random freebie – it's a strategic tool.

How do you turn it into a strategic tool?

1) It's not about WHAT you give. It's about WHEN you give it. Right timing means everything.

2) It's about understanding what's stuck in your customer's head. Figure that out, and your lead magnet becomes the answer they've been searching for.

Intrigued? Good.

Because I'm about to break down exactly how to create and use lead magnets that work.

(By ‘work’, I mean attracting quality subscribers that have a higher potential to turn into paying customers)

Let’s see how!

See beyond the freebie
– Look at the journey.

Going back to our concert example…

Lead magnets should be more like backstage passes.

They give potential customers a special peek behind the curtain, something valuable that actually helps them on their way.

But here's the twist:

The "curtain" you reveal depends on where they are in their buying journey.

Imagine your customer's journey as a road trip.

At the start, they're just figuring out where they want to go. They might be scrolling through social media, lost and overwhelmed. Handing them a roadmap (your lead magnet) at this point is a lifesaver! This roadmap could be a simple checklist that helps them identify their goals.

Further down the road, they've narrowed down their options and are starting to compare brands (like picking rest stops along the way). Now's the time to offer a "detour" they can't resist – a short workshop + case study that showcases how you helped a similar customer reach their destination.

Finally, picture them parked outside your store, almost ready to buy (like reaching their hotel). That's when you offer the ultimate upgrade: a VIP experience like a free mini-course that gives them a taste of what it's like to work with you.

See how it works?

Lead magnets become guideposts along the way, helping potential customers navigate their journey and ultimately choose YOU as their travel companion.

Now, onto the meaty part…

The 4-step process
– Creating lead magnets that 'work'

To create a lead magnet that actually works – one that attracts quality subscribers and keeps them engaged, you need to follow a strategic process.

Here's exactly how to do it in 4 steps:

1) Identify the JOURNEY STAGE and BELIEF

First things first, you need to get crystal clear on which part of the buyer's journey you're targeting with this lead magnet. Are you trying to reach people in the:

  • Awareness stage? Help them see they have a problem.
  • Consideration stage? Show them you're the solution.
  • Decision stage? Give them that final nudge to buy.

Once you know the stage, determine the core belief or mindset shift you want this lead magnet to instill. What's the key idea you need them to "get" before moving further?

2) Nail down the WHY

People are selfish – they want to know "What's in it for me?".

So for your lead magnet to be irresistible, you need a compelling WHY behind it.

Why is this lead magnet important for them? Why do they need to believe/understand/learn what you're teaching?

Spell out the big benefits and motivations.

If you do not have a why, do not create it.

3) Deliver the WHAT

This is where you get to the actual meat of your lead magnet – the information that will move them past their current stuck point.

What key concepts, strategies, or insights do they need to progress to the next stage?

This is the value bomb you'll be delivering through video, written, or audio content.

4) Choose the HOW

How you package all that value makes a big difference. Different audiences prefer different mediums, so choose wisely.

Is your crowd of avid readers? Go for a meaty PDF guide or ebook.

Are they more visual/audio learners? Maybe a masterclass or video series is better.

The format should make it dead simple for them to consume and implement what you're teaching.

And for fook’s sake, do not listen to anybody who says XYZ format doesn’t work.

Oftentimes, it comes from their personal bias. It has nothing to do with how your audience prefers to consume content.

Choose the ‘how’ based on what your audience prefers, not based on a guru’s preference.

When you follow those 4 steps, you end up with a lead magnet that checks all the boxes. It's:

  • Aligned with their current mindset and struggle
  • Hyper-relevant and solves a specific pain point
  • In a format that makes it easy for them to use
  • And guides them seamlessly to the next stage of the journey with you

And that's how you create lead magnets that are genuinely useful, irresistible, and perfectly timed for your audience.

No filler, no fluff – just pure value from start to finish.

P.S. This is part II of the list growth series. If you missed part I, check it out here.

Need 1-on-1 help to grow your email list and convert more of your email subscribers into 💸?

Book a free consultation and let's chat. We'll work together to create your personalised subscriber growth plan (which will include lead magnets that your audience would love) and implement conversion systems in your email strategy to increase your email profits.

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The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers