$60,800 – $108,800


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

Do you want to do multi-5 or 6-figure launches?

So did our client.

Except there was a problem.

Their entire audience was on social media and they were stuck on ~300 email subscribers for weeks.

They understood how fickle the social media algorithms can be and it was wise to move fast. They wanted to move their audience from their socials to their email list.

And this is when they reached out to me last year.

Our only goal at that time?

Pure subscriber growth, no selling.

We took charge and grew it to 8442 subscribers in 3 months.

(You can read the whole case study here)

Now, the real action is about to start as they’re gearing up to launch a high-ticket cohort-based program next month.

We aim to sell out the launch in multi-5 or 6 figures.

This is the breakdown of the entire strategy we will use to achieve that.

(Please pay close attention as the money is in the details)

$$ ​
– The Goal

The last launch they did by themselves was ~ $42K.

This time,

Target revenue = $60,800 – $108,800

The cost of the program = $1900/$3400

Total slots = 32 (4 groups of 8)

$1900 is for the group program and $3400 is an upsell for the group program + 1:1 help.

So, if everybody takes the group program without the upsell, the revenue would be $1900 X 32 = $60,800.

If everybody takes the upsell as well, the revenue would be $3400 X 32 = $108,800.

But that’s not what happens. Some prefer the first, some prefer the second. So the revenue could be anywhere between those numbers.

(We’re just taking the best and the worst-case scenarios into consideration)

Now, here’s the step-by-step breakdown:

Step 1 ​
– The Waitlist

The doors to the program would open on 20th March, 24… so we open the doors to the waitlist on 21st Feb i.e. Tomorrow.

The reason we chose Wednesday for the launch is to avoid the inbox rush that subscribers usually face at the start of the week.

The waitlist signup page is open to both current subscribers and new subscribers who want to join the waitlist from social media.

Once they sign-up for the waitlist they’re sent to a thank-you page.

Step 2 ​
– The Thank-you Page

This is where some magic happens. This page does two things:

  1. Thank them for showing interest in the program
  2. Ask them to take a quick survey (with only 3 questions) as it will help us include what they share in the program

The questions are based on:

  • Their current journey (4 options)
  • Their current #1 struggle (4 options)
  • What does the program need to deliver for them to recommend it to their best friend? (Open text)

This survey is a key part of the strategy. Why?

  1. It takes advantage of the IKEA effect. Meaning since the subscribers are contributing to the program, they’d place a high value on it and are more likely to purchase
  2. It segments the subscribers based on their responses for personalising the launch sequence (covering it in step 4)
  3. It gives you voice-of-customer data to use in emails

As I said, the survey is a key part of the strategy.

One thing to note here is that not everyone is going to take the survey and we’re counting on that.

(The best strategies have contingencies in place)

So, the people who take the survey get segmented accordingly and those who do not take the survey get added to a general segment.

Step 3 ​
– The Pre-selling

One of the biggest mistakes people make when launching anything?

They ask people to join their waitlist and that’s it. They just introduce the offer on the launch day.

Here’s how we avoid it:

Our goal is to make sure the waitlisters are already sold before the offer is even introduced.

For this, we use 4 emails because there’s a gap of 4 weeks between the waitlist opening and the launch.

These 4 emails are sent just like newsletters to the waitlisters. (The people who are on the regular list and not the waitlist receive regular newsletters during this time)

These 4 emails are strategically crafted narratives that implant the seeds of “I want to work with this person” and “They can really help me”.

This is done through:

  • Our client’s personal stories & experiences
  • Their 1:1 client experiences
  • The information that the waitlisters fill in the 3rd question of the thank-you page survey

It’s all about positioning the client as the perfect person to help the waitlisters and bringing them to this conclusion by themselves.

But there’s a problem.

Not everybody is going to join the waitlist in the first week. Some will join in the second. Or fourth. So naturally they’d miss the previous pre-selling emails.

How do we fix this?

Including an archive link to the previous emails in every email saying that this is a series and that they should check it out.

Not everybody is going to read them all, but a lot of them are and that’s what we want.

Step 4 ​
– The Launch Sequence

Now, the biggg stuff.

The doors open on 20th March and the cohort will kick off on 3rd April. For these 14 days, we have a 7-part launch sequence.

📧 Email 1: The one sentence + one link email

📧 Email 2 (after 3 days): The journey email

This email is crafted based on where the subscribers currently are based on their journey and where they will be after taking the cohort.

There are 5 versions of this email. One for each of the four segments (Those who answer the first question on the thank-you page), and one general email for those who don’t answer anything.

📧 Email 3 (after 3 days): The #1 struggle email

This email is crafted based on what’s the subscriber’s current #1 struggle and how the cohort will help them get past it.

Again, there are 5 versions of this email. One for each of the four segments (Those who answer the second question on the thank-you page), and one general email for those who don’t answer anything.

📧 Email 4 (after 3 days): The social proof email

📧 Email 5 (after 2 days): Objection email

📧 Email 6 (after 1 day): Limited spots left email

📧 Email 7 (after 1 day): Final call email

If the 32 slots get filled at any point during the launch, then the next emails are not sent.

As you can see… our strategy is not about constantly bombarding the subscribers with daily emails about “buy my stuff”. Only the last emails are sent in a row. (That too if the spots are left)

There’s a 90% chance that all the spots will be filled by the 3rd or 4th email.

Step 5 ​
– The Post-launch Email

No matter when the spots get filled, all waitlisters are sent a thank-you email.

(This one is super important)

This email does two things:

  1. Thank them for their interest and support
  2. Ask them for their feedback about what stopped them from joining the cohort

This information will be super helpful for the next launch.

Step 6 ​
– The Analytics

We’re gonna be tracking the conversions using two tools:

  1. Google Analytics
  2. MS Clarity

All emails will have UTMs in the links.. so when someone makes a purchase, we know exactly what email they came from.

This helps us verify the effectiveness of the messaging and how personalised emails are converting as compared to the general ones.

MS clarity helps us with heatmaps and session recordings.

We can see which group of users are spending how much time on the sales page, and which part of the page they’re reading the most.

This helps us incorporate the important stuff directly in the emails from the next launch.

Tech Stack ​
– How all of this is going to be possible

These are the tools that are gonna be used to execute everything.

(These are affiliate links so if you choose to make a purchase, we’ll get a commission without any extra cost to you)

→ ConvertKit: The email marketing tool

→ Divi: For the landing, sales, and thank-you page

→ Formaloo: The thank-you page survey

→ Make: To send the survey data to ConvertKit and segment the subscribers

→ 🧠 Rahul’s brain: To make all this happen (unfortunately there’s no link for that)

Finally, ​
– A Few Things to Consider

We’re aiming to have around 2K-3K subscribers on the waitlist (both from the current list and new subscribers).

But we’re not going to offer a CTA to book a call to know more. It’s going to be a direct sale from the sales page. If they have any questions, they can reply to any of the emails.

The target conversion rate is around 1-2%.. which is modest.

The launch strategy is slightly similar to what Justin Welsh did with his recent course launch. (I know who he had help from, so…)

I’m pretty pumped to see how it’s gonna turn out.

So yeah, you have all the information now. Do whatever you wanna do with it.

I’ll drop an update after the launch is over as well.

In the meantime,

Need 1-on-1 help to execute a strategy like this for your next 6-figure launch đź’¸?

​Get a Free Consultation to see if we're a good fit to work together. After that, we'll create and implement your next high-ticket launch strategy that'll be sold out before the last launch email is even sent.

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers