You’re a Michelin-starred chef


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

Imagine you're a chef with a restaurant full of hungry people.

You've spent hours cooking up a storm. But when you serve your dishes?

Everyone just pushes their plates away.

It would be frustrating, right?

That's exactly what's happening with your email list right now.

You've got a bunch of subscribers. You spend hours crafting your emails. But when you send those emails, they're not buying what you're selling. And you’re probably thinking…

"Email marketing doesn’t work"
"It’s all a scam"
"It’s dead"

But the truth?

Your email strategy is just broken. And it’s nothing that can’t be fixed and I’m about to show you how.

The big problem ​
– Not to be ignored.

You're talking to the wrong people. Simple as that.

Think about it:

  1. You started a newsletter or created a lead magnet.
  2. People signed up.
  3. You sent them emails.
  4. Crickets. No sales. No engagement.

Sound familiar?

Here's what's really going on:

  • Your lead magnet is attracting mostly freebie seekers, not serious buyers.
  • Your emails aren't speaking to the right people.
  • You're not proving that you know your stuff.

No wonder they're not buying!

But why? ​
– Why is this wrecking your business?

Let's break it down:

  1. Wasted time: You're spending hours crafting emails that no one cares about.
  2. Lost money: Every uninterested subscriber costs you in email service fees.
  3. Missed opportunities: While you're chasing the wrong people, your ideal customers are buying from someone else.
  4. Damaged reputation: Keep this up, and you'll be known as the business that always sells but never delivers anything substantial.

I have seen people who had 10,000 subscribers but couldn't sell a single programme. Why?

Their lead magnets are like "10 Quick XYZ Tips".

This attracts people looking for quick fixes, not those ready to invest in a comprehensive programme.

The result? A huge list of freebie-seekers who never bought a thing.

But that’s not it, there’s a bigger problem:

This problem doesn't just stop with your email list. It's poisoning your entire business.

When you attract the wrong people:

  • Your offers go off track. You start creating stuff no one wants.
  • Your customer service suffers. You're dealing with people who aren't a good fit.
  • Your marketing becomes a mess. You don't know who you're really talking to anymore.

It's like a virus spreading through your business, infecting everything it touches.

And the longer you ignore it, the worse it gets.

In my 6 years of building online, I've seen people come and go because they couldn't figure this out. They kept pushing and pushing, trying to sell to people who were never going to buy.

Don't let that be you.

Therefore ​
– Here's exactly how to fix it

In simplest terms…

You need to attract the right people from the start. Then, you need to prove you're the real deal.

Let's break it down:

1) Speak to your ideal customer in the pre-signup stage

Stop trying to appeal to everyone. It's killing your business by attracting the wrong folks. Instead:

  • Get crystal clear on who your ideal customer is.
  • Create content that speaks directly to THEM. (Their problems, frustrations, desires, beliefs, etc.)
  • Use their language, not industry jargon.

2) Prove your worth

They’ll like you because they feel understood. But they’ll buy only when they believe that YOU CAN help them get what they want or need.

So, once they're on your list, show them you know your stuff:

  • Share in-depth, valuable content (from your own learning, experiments, and experiences) they can't get anywhere else.
  • Tell stories of how you've helped others like them.
  • Give them quick wins to build trust.

Look closely… that’s exactly what I’m doing here right now.

3) Shift their beliefs

Here's where the magic happens. You need to change how they think:

  • Challenge their current assumptions.
  • Show them a new perspective.
  • Paint a picture of what's possible.

We did this brilliantly for one of my clients, a career coach.

(Remember the ~$80K launch?)

Instead of just giving boring job search tips, we sent emails that challenged beliefs about work-life balance and their limiting beliefs around their career progression.

The result?

Her subscribers started seeing their careers differently, and her programme sales increased.

How to put this into action? ​
– And fix your broken startegy?

Here's what to do:

  1. Audit your current lead magnets. Do they attract your ideal customer?
  2. Review your emails sequences. Are you proving your expertise?
  3. Look at your regular emails. Are you shifting beliefs or just selling?

Also, let’s be real…

This isn't easy. It takes work. You might need to scrap everything and start over.

But here's the thing:

Keep doing what you're doing, and nothing will change.

Your list will keep growing with the wrong people. Your sales will stay flat. And your business? It'll struggle.

You have a choice to make. Keep pushing the same old emails to people who don't care. Or start attracting the right people and turning them into eager buyers.

What's it going to be?

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers