Why your subscribers are tuning out


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

When was the last time you went to a party?

Now imagine a ridiculous person at that party trying to chat with everyone.

But instead of having real conversations, they're shouting the same thing to the whole room.

Sound crazy?

Well, that's exactly what you're doing with your email list right now.

You've built a list of subscribers. Great job! But you're leaving money on the table. Why?

Because you're treating everyone the same.

Right now, you're:

  • Sending the same emails to everyone
  • Hoping something sticks
  • Wondering why your open rates are low
  • Scratching your head over poor sales

Sound familiar? Don't worry, most online business owners fall into this trap. They think more emails equal more sales.

But here's the problem:

Your subscribers are drowning in a sea of irrelevant emails. They're hitting delete faster than you can say "buy now." Some are even hitting that dreaded unsubscribe button. Ouch!

And while you're stuck in this rut, there are people who are doing things slightly differently and getting great results with their email marketing.

They're using a secret weapon (Which is neither a secret, nor a weapon 🤣):

🥁 Drumroll 🥁​
– Segmentation

"Whoa, hold up!" I hear you say. "What's this segmentation thing?"

Simply put, it's about grouping your subscribers based on:

  • What they like
  • What they've bought
  • How they behave
  • Where they are in their customer journey

(The last one is my favourite!)

Without proper segmentation, you're missing out on:

  1. Higher open rates: When people get emails they actually want, they open them. Shocking, right?
  2. More clicks: Relevant content = more interest = more clicks. It's not rocket science.
  3. Happier subscribers: When you send stuff people care about, they stick around.
  4. More sales: The holy grail of email marketing. When you talk to people about what they want, they buy more.

But here's the kicker:

It's not just about making more money (though that's nice).

It's about building real relationships with your subscribers. It's about respecting their inbox and their time.

(Like you’d want yours to be respected.)

Imagine knowing exactly what each group of your subscribers wants. Imagine sending them emails they can't wait to open. Imagine your subscribers thinking, "Wow, this person really gets me!"

That's the power of segmentation. It turns your email list from a boring megaphone into a powerful sales machine.

Now, you’re probably wondering…

“Okay, but how can I segment my list?”

I got you!​
– Here are 4 ways how:

1) Sign-up forms

You can directly ask questions on your sign-up forms that help you categorise your subscribers.

Look how my friend Vivien does it:

2) Thank-you page

This is the most underrated piece of real estate in anyone’s email strategy.

By simply embedding a 3-part questionnaire on your thank-you page, you can not only segment people but also gather so much golden data that’d help you create emails that your subscribers would actually want to read.

Look at the golden data I've collected from my thank-you page:

It gets added to both ConvertKit and a Google sheet so I can go through it all at once.

3) Clicks

This is not the greatest way, but it is still a good and easy way to segment.

Track and tag people based on what types of links they click in your emails.

4) Quizzes

Quizzes are just awesome for two reasons:

  • They are high-converting lead magnets, which can help you grow your email list with high quality subscribers
  • They can help you segment and target those folks with highly-personalized emails

But these are quite complicated to strategize and set-up.

(Look out for my email later this month for strategy breakdown of a client’s quiz funnel that’s yet to launch!)

Of course, some other segments are pretty common… like having a buyers list, who buys what list, interested folks list, etc.

Still not convinced?​
– Let me paint you a picture.

You're a fitness coach. You've got beginners, intermediate folks, and hardcore gym rats on your list. Right now, you're sending the same "10 tips for better workouts" email to everyone.

The beginners are overwhelmed. The intermediate folks are bored. The gym rats are rolling their eyes. No one's happy.

But with just some basic segmentation:

  • Beginners get "The deadly mistake you should avoid in the first month of your fitness journey"
  • Intermediate folks get "7 Advanced techniques to do 5 extra pull-ups in 2 weeks"
  • Gym rats get "How you can push your limits (without steroids)"

Very basic example. I completely made them up!

But, see the difference?

Everyone gets what they need. Everyone's happy. And guess what? Happy subscribers buy more.

Who doesn’t want that?

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers