They have seen it all before


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

You're sitting at your desk, staring at your computer screen. Your coffee's gone cold. You've just sent out another email, and you're hoping… no, praying… that this time it'll work.

But deep down, you know the truth.

Your emails aren't doing their job. They're not turning your prospects into buyers.

  1. Your click-through rates are in the gutter
  2. Your emails are bringing in pennies, not dollars
  3. People are hitting that unsubscribe button faster than you can say "sale."

But, this isn't just about a few lost sales. It's about:

  • Money flying out the window. Every email that doesn't convert is cash you're leaving on the table.
  • Time down the drain. Hours spent crafting emails that no one cares about.
  • Your good name in the mud. Keep this up, and people will start seeing your emails as junk.

Now, you might be thinking…

"But everyone says email marketing is the way to go!"


But it’s not the way to go when, you’re doing it like:

  • "Hey {FIRST NAME}! Check out our AMAZING offer!"
  • "Limited time only! Act now!"
  • "Don't miss out on this INCREDIBLE deal!"

Guess what? Your readers are sick of it.

They've seen it all before. And they're not buying it anymore.

But don't panic. This isn't the end of the road.

The good news? This is a problem you can fix.

But first ​
– You need to realise one thing...

Your readers aren't just names on a list.

They're real people, with real problems and real desires. And they're looking for someone who gets them. Someone who can cut through the noise and offer real solutions.

That's where you come in. Or at least, it should be.

But right now, your emails aren't hitting the mark. They're not speaking to your readers' deepest needs. They're not showing them how you can make their lives better. In short, they're not doing their job.

Now, you’re probably wondering…

– But how can I fix this?"

You need to focus on 3 things:

1) Clarity on your customers

This is something we do with the Customer Clarity Sheet. It is a document that consists your target customer’s:

  • Problems/challenges/frustrations
  • Desired outcomes
  • Outcome of the outcome: What does their life look like after achieving their desired outcome?
  • Their current beliefs about themselves, you, and other solutions in the market
  • Promises they have already heard
  • Their reactions to those promises
  • Expectations from other solutions in the market

Unless you have all this information nailed to the T, I doubt that you can truly create an email that hits your target customer’s C-spot. (C=cash)

2) Attraction

Once you have gained clarity on your target customers, your next task is to attract the right folks to your list.

This means:

  • Your pre-signup messaging (Your content assets, sign-up forms, landing pages, etc.) speaks exactly to who your ideal customer is
  • Your lead magnets or freebies are created specifically for them (not some generic freebies that attract anyone and everyone)

3) Segmentation

This sounds like a buzzword to a lot of people. These are the same people who fail at converting their customers.


Because they send the same generic message to the same people.

The better way?

  1. Collect the information through the Customer Clarity Sheet
  2. See how you can categorise people with similar points into different groups
  3. Attract, segment and create different pathways for them

After that?

It’s all about sending the right message + right offers to the right folks.

But first, you need to have solid foundations in place.

And that can’t be done without a crystal clear understanding of your customers, attracting the right folks and categorising them for sending emails crafted specifically for THEM.

P.S. Woke up to this ridiculous mention in a client (& friend's) newsletter. Clearly she doesn't know anything about *good* music! (But she definitely knows a lot about getting the most awesome folks to help you with your stuff)

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers