Less sales calls, more sales


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

You're sitting at your desk, staring at your screen.

Your mind is about to burst like an overfilled water balloon because of the 6th discovery call you’re going to take for the day.

Yes, your inbox is full of leads, but your calendar? It's a war zone. Back-to-back calls, day after day.

You're selling high-ticket offers, but at what cost?

Your time, your energy, your sanity.

Here's a better option:

You open your laptop, send a few killer emails, and boom – sales roll in. No endless discovery calls, no "Can we reschedule?" nonsense.

Just you, your keyboard, and a steady stream of high-ticket sales.

(Yes, It's possible but I know I’m making it sound way too simple)

But that's not your world right now. Your world is:

  • Juggling time zones to fit in "just one more call"
  • Repeating the same pitch until you can do it in your sleep
  • Watching your productivity nosedive as your call count increases


Because somewhere along the line, we all bought into this big, fat lie:

“High-ticket sales need high-touch interactions”

Does it?

Let's break it down:

  1. You're told calls close deals. But calls also eat time. It's simple math, folks. More calls = less time for everything else.
  2. How many times have you answered the same question this week? This month? This year?
  3. Your business is growing, but your hours in the day aren't. You're the bottleneck in your own success story.

Let me tell you something strange…

Your customers aren't asking for calls because they love your voice. They're asking because they need answers. And guess what? Emails can give answers too.

You're not stuck in this call-crazy cycle because it's the only way. You're stuck because no one's shown you the exit.

Wake up. It's 2024.

Information is everywhere. Trust is built by value, not voice.

You're not just selling an offer. You're selling time – your time. And right now, you're giving it away for free on calls that could be emails.

So here's your choice:

Keep playing with Zoom, or start playing smart.

Keep drowning in discovery calls, or start swimming in sales.

Keep being a slave to your calendar, or become a master of your inbox.

The vision isn't just about selling more.

It's about selling smarter. It's about taking back your time, your energy, and your business.

And if that’s what you want, let me show you how:

Step 1 ​
– Turn your calls into gold mines

Next time you're on a call, don't just listen – record.

Why? Because those calls are treasure troves of insights.

(There are tons of tools available for that. I have used Read.ai for a long time, so you can use that if you want)

Here's what you're looking for:

  • Questions they ask: What do they really want to know?
  • Concerns they voice: What's holding them back?
  • Dreams they share: What are they really buying?
  • Objections they throw: What's their real hesitation?

You can either do this manually or through the AI notetaker that I shared above. But do it.

Step 2 ​
– Email like a boss

Now, take all that juicy info and use it in your emails.

  1. Answer before they ask: Tackle those common questions head-on. Be the psychic they never knew they needed.
  2. Speak to their soul: Use their own words. Their dreams, their fears. Make them think, "Are they in my head?"
  3. Objection? What objection?: Don't wait for them to doubt. Crush those objections before they even form.
  4. Show, don't tell: Got success stories? Use them. Nothing sells like social proof.

Step 3 ​
– Master the art of written influence

Calls let you adjust on the fly. Emails don't. So you need to be sharp.

Emails are all about writing well.

If your email copy can’t trigger a buying action, then you need to work on your copy skills.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it and I surely can’t teach you email copywriting in one section of a newsletter.

But here are a few tips:

  • Use narratives: Humans are hardwired for narratives. Use them to illustrate your points. Look at the top part of this email.
  • Be specific: Vague doesn't sell. Numbers, details, concrete examples – that's your ammo.
  • Be real: No lying, no fake urgency or scarcity.
  • Focus on the flow: Make sure one thing leads to the next and there are no dead ends.

Bonus Step ​
– Avoid information overload

Okay, you a lot of information to share.

The biggest mistake you can make?

Share all of that information in the same email. This creates an information overload for your readers which is not something you want if you want them to purchase your offer.

To avoid this, we use a sequence of emails to deliver that information in chunks.

Sequences like:

  • Relationship-building welcome sequences
  • Evergreen promo sequences
  • Behaviour-based trigger sequences
  • Segment-based sequences
  • Launch sequences

You have to create a flow of information that goes from one email to another.

Just make sure that you have message continuity and don’t break that in the sequence. In simplest terms, don’t deviate from the key message.

Your turn now ​
– Here's what you need to do next:

  1. Pick your next five calls. Record them.
  2. Spend a day dissecting those calls. What patterns do you see?
  3. Draft your first "super email nurturing + sales sequence" using what you've learned.
  4. Test it. Tweak it. Perfect it.

I’m not saying it would be anywhere close to what we do. BUT, it would still be far better than what you’re doing right now.

Remember, every call you replace with an email is time back in your pocket. Time to grow your business. Time to live your life. Time to remember why you started this journey in the first place.

P.S. Still not convinced? Check out the case study for the ~80K launch for a client with barely taking 10 calls.

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers