Get your email opened


The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers

This weekend I decided to give my special email inbox a cleansing.

Special email inbox = email I created specifically to signup for email lists and keep my main inbox clean

(This is something that most email marketers hate because this messes up with the buyers data as a persons signs up with one email but makes a purchase with another email 🤣)

Anyway… during the cleansing process, I noticed a pattern.

Most subject lines were pretty similar.

Their only goal was to somehow get the open.. which is something I don’t mind unless you use clickbait.

Then I’ll send monsters under your bed to haunt you at night.

But the biggest problem?

When you rely only on subject line to get the open.

This is why I’m not a big fan of “tried & tested subject line templates” as well.

Because I believe in a power far superior than the subject line.

A power that gets your email opened regardless of what you write in the subject line or preview line.

The power?

It’s called inbox recognition.

The phrase in itself is pretty self-explanatory.

You want people to see that an email is from you and open it no matter what’s inside or how catchy your subject line is.

You want to be recognised in the inbox.

How do you do that?

1) Consistency is key (as cliche as it sounds)

Don't be that person who shows up once in a blue moon. Your subscribers will forget you faster than they forget their New Year's resolutions. Aim for a regular sending schedule – whether it's daily, weekly, or monthly. Just stick to it like glue.

2) Personality over perfection

Let your freak flag fly! Inject your emails with your unique personality. Use your own voice, share personal stories, and don't be afraid to be a little weird. People connect with humans, not robots (unless you're writing to robots, then by all means, beep-boop away).

3) Create a signature sign-off

End your emails with a unique sign-off that becomes your trademark. It could be a catchphrase, a silly pun, or even a made-up word. I don’t have it because it doesn’t go with my brand. But if it does with yours.. use it to your advantage.

4) Deliver (For real)

Say what you’re going to deliver and deliver it. Your emails need to give something that the readers look forward to. And it doesn’t have to be just educational.

(This is something that’s different for each person and brand… so I can only help you with this one-on-one)

Now, inbox recognition isn't built overnight. It takes time and patience.

Until you get it, you can rely on your subject lines… but always keep in mind that your ultimate goal is to make the subject line irrelevant.

And once you've got it, you'll be the email equivalent of that friend who always brings the best snacks to the party.

The Email Fundamentals

Learn how to build a solid email strategy, write better emails with unique strategic frameworks to turn your email subscribers into loyal, paying customers